Which content you should share on your membership platform

Which content you should share on your membership platform

​​Member magazines, newsletters, external communication, association content is distributed through various channels. This makes it difficult for members to access all the information and does not correspond to the concept of Volunteering 4.0. In the future, almost...
Keep members informed with individually tailored topics

Keep members informed with individually tailored topics

How do you keep your members up to date? Do members of your association still regularly receive information via newsletters and mailing lists? Do you summarise the most important topics and results of your committees in additional emails?That means that all of your...
Association work on the interactive membership platform

Association work on the interactive membership platform

Many associations now know that an interactive membership platform simplifies association work. But how does it engage stakeholders and increase volunteer involvement? And how can you fully use the potential of your platform to engage members and win new volunteers?...